CPP is the "Algorithm" i developed to create shapes with only 1 co-ord given by the user.
- Fast Rendering
- Fast Coordinates Calculation
- Precise
- Only requests one input
- It Works!
- Not usable for Rotating
- At the moment only effective for cubes
O yeah! one more thing...What does CPP Stands for?
Central Point Processing
Let me explain: Your graph screen has a center point where both x and y equal zero. So if I ask the LENGTH of a line from the center point i can use that as a Y or X co-ord.
Just an Example:
Input "lenght",A
Hence we input 'Lenght' to be 3 then the code would be like this.
Now if you try this line on your calc you will see a vertical line if we can draw vertically then we can draw horizontaly and diagnaly aswell!
CPP was born.